Carolyn spent most of the day with Max, including a couple of hours of skin-to-skin time. Speaking from experience, this leaves parent and child totally blissed out. Max had a good day on balance, although Carolyn reports that when she got to the NICU the team were deciding what to do about a fairly significant desat that Max had experienced earlier in the day. The NICU attending (who rotates through the pediatric outpatient service) ordered a study of Max's saturation level, which seems to involve tracking the time series of his sats over some period. These sorts of studies are, I gather, often ordered on preemies that have already gone home; the NICU attending figured she'd get started on this one early.
The big news is that Max is moving out of his lucite box and into a real crib. Carolyn brought in a mobile and an elephant-themed mirror that plays "Hickory Dickory Dock." We'll have pictures tomorrow.
At the evening update, I learnt that Max is very comfortable. Nurse Becky took his head circumference a little early and measured it at 35 cm, unchanged from the past few days. Max is tolerating his vitamin supplement well. The hope is that this will gradually alleviate his anemia.